…for Jeff (Wolf River Harbor)
I’ll never sing a song again,
The way that I sang you~
To caress the rise of an old refrain
And awake the boy I knew
…And I’ll never sing a song again
The way that I sang you.
I won’t ever kiss a boy again,
The way that I kissed you
Or roam the back way, darkened roads
To meet for a precious few
…Because I’ll never want a boy the way
That I’ve wept for wanting you.
And should I never write a Eulogy or hum your pretty tune
For a boy I sang, and loved and lost
A boy I lost too soon~
And me, the girl you thought you knew, gone to the river too~
….to hum you over and over,
stones across water
How I grieve at singing you.
Author’s Note: This is for Jeff Buckley… someone who i have never known in this life but who has inspired me so deeply with his voice….lyrics…. with his story.
Jeff was lost to the Wolf River Harbor on May 29th, 1997.
This is for you, Jeff…. i miss you… i miss you every single day.